Packers and movers in Balal

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Balal is a village and a Grama panchayat in Kasargod district. This village is connected to Karnataka state through Panathur. Its nearest town is Vellarikkundu. There is a 20-km road from Panathur to Sullia in Karnataka from where Bangalore and Mysore can be easily accessed. Locations in Kerala can be accessed by driving towards the western side.The nearest airports are Kannur in the south and Mangalore in the north. 

300+ Cities

Delivering to 300+ cities in India and any location within Bangalore.

Prompt Delivery

Next day delivery option with special vehicle available. Usual Delivery time: 3-7 days. 


With 1000+ happy customers we take pride in being one of the most trusted Packers and Movers brand in Bengaluru.

Packers and Movers in Balal

Packers and movers in Balal

Ghar Pe Raho provides expertise in all situations, including relocation. It may be difficult to move homes on your own during a rainfall, but the skilled personnel at Ghar Pe Raho know how to do it in any situation. Your time will be freed up to focus on more important tasks such as raising children or elegantly furnishing your new home.Logistic service is available to anyone moving to or from balal.

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